Changes In Pricing
To offer the best-in-class boutique web/print/branding services for our real estate professionals, we are introducing some changes to our services. With expansion of services & hardware facilities as well as operations cost increases, we will be implementing changes in pricing effective on the next billing cycle. As of April 21st (beginning of next cycle) the following rates will apply to our design services:
$90/hr (billed at 15 minute increments, unlike the industry standard of 1 hour or 30 minute increments)
Administrative, or Photo/Data Exchange Only
$36/hr (billed at 30 minute increments)
Mailwalk (Canada Post) set up, packaging & delivery to the outlet (Applicable only to Vancouver customers)
$55 Per Mailwalk up to 1,000 units (not including postage costs owed to Canada Post)
$10 per 500 units additional.
Monthly Subscription Cost changes will be effective as of monthly billing dates of May 21st and after:
Brixwork Website Base: $55 (previously $50)
MLS® Reciprocity Add-On: $25 (no change)
Enable both commercial & residential: $25 (no change)
Enable Rental module: $25 (previously $20)
WordPress Blog: $15 (previously $10)
Full rate sheet is here:
Facility Upgrades & Expansion
Our production force has grown to double the size since a year ago. In addition to Rebecca & Jovan (Graphic Designer & Web Developer, respectively) we now have Cindy-Lynn (Graphic Designer) and Bruno Fontanella (Web Developer) to help you with your needs. Our office has also been significantly renovated with new computers, new monitors & mounts, and of course more workstations to accommodate the larger workforce.
Q: When was the last price change?
A: 2014 was our last rate change to our labour rates, while monthly fees have remained the same since 2012.
Q: Does the price change have any relation to USD/CAD exchange rate?
A: Partially yes. Costs of computers as well as the web based software we use to keep ourselves organized has gone up due to the weakened Canadian Dollar.
Q: I’ve became a subscriber very recently (less than 6 months ago) so it seems a bit soon to raise my prices, no?
A: While our labour rates will increase for everybody at the same time, we can definitely keep your monthly fees the same for the first six months of your subscription. We need you to email us your domain and the date of your first subscription invoice or the invoice number (if it’s less than 6 months ago) so we can freeze the price until the 6th monthly fee point.
Q: When’s the cut-off for design of marketing material and/or new website customization at the old rate?
A: Any orders placed on or before (confirmed by email to April 18th (Monday) can be processed under the current rates, since we operate on a 1 business day turn-around to start on inbound inquiries. Our billing cut-off is April 20th, after which point the new labour rates will become effective.
If you have any questions please email us at and we will be happy to answer them.