Project Description

Nick Neacsu

Fully Custom Real Estate Website with Mobile Responsiveness

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Nick’s website is truly one-of-a-kind, setting new standards for luxury real estate presence online. The gorgeous photography of the incredible properties he lists throughout Vancouver is showcased with precision and finesse. The subtle yet significant animated effects, the fine details of shades & fonts, as well as the customed scroll-effects on his homepage and about page truly helps Nick’s website stand out from the crowd, just like the Neacsu Denner Teams’ luxury marketing stands out from the mix.


Short descriptive text here. Jeff will write. Bacon ipsum dolor amet meatloaf chuck ribeye, ground round flank shankle frankfurter rump jerky hamburger biltong. Pig chicken short ribs, sausage burgdoggen shankle prosciutto spare ribs leberkas venison picanha. Shoulder pork tri-tip sausage ham cow leberkas venison burgdoggen picanha. Jerky ham hock chicken shoulder. Short loin fatback bacon andouille.