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We help our Realtors® get motivated buyers & sellers leads

Brixwork Farming buildings for nest presales display

Farming buildings, developments or presales of your choice has never been easier with our easy map and list hybrid search, and our high-functioning information page design

More home searches start with specific building, development or presale names.

These are motivated leads with great revenue potential for your real estate business. Effective for buyers & sellers leads, our system is well equipped to help you establish your niche & expertise, help you establish long-term rankings for your favorite presales/buildings, and ultimately generate more qualified leads.

Meet Buyers With Eager Intentions

Home buyers or investors who already have a set target are some of the best customers to work with. Generate more buyers’ leads for a wide range of condos, townhomes, lofts & penthouses utilizing our premium presale marketing pages.

Consult Homeowners Ready To Sell

What are my neighbours’ listings in my building going for? This is the burning question in the minds of those who are ready to sell. Show off your expertise in your niche through our customized building/development pages, and get the assignments/listings you deserve!

How Our Buildings, Developments and Presales Farming System Can Help Our Real Estate Agents!

Ranks within top 5 for Windsor Gate and Met 2 for several years now


Be Found Online For The Right Keywords

Our pages rank well for those seeking certain developments or presales! The first step is to be found online. Building detail pages are well-tailored to showcase the right keywords and engineered from the core to help you climb up the Google ladder.

Media-Rich, Beautiful and Easy To Use

Our buildings/presales map & list hybrid search module makes it easy for visitors to browse through the developments, see the location and explore further. Optional photo galleries, video tour(s), and floorplan PDFs provide an abundance of information and establishes your expertise.

MLS® Listings Automated. Ready for Exclusive Assignments

Automatically gather & display all MLS® listings in the development. Multiple buildings? No problem – our engine is intelligent. You can even upload exclusive assignments not permitted on the MLS® and give your presale listings a broader exposure.

Long-Term Rankings & Performance For Your Business

Presale buildings eventually become active farms for resale listings. Many of our clients enjoy long-term, high-ranking exposure on Google for what started out as presale advertising converted into a successful building-farming system.

Additional Lifestyle & Community Info Page Add-Ons

Other optional customizations of Brixwork real estate websites mean you can compliment a great presale/building directory with targeted community/lifestyle information pages, further improving your Google ranking while being portrayed as a true local expert.

Dedicated SEO on Presale Sites Have Proven To Be Powerful!

The Google ranking potential is massive with our SEO-friendly platform coupled with unique content on the presale/building pages. Take a look at the organic traffic growth yourself.

Ready to Rock & Roll A New Niche?

These customized add-ons are available on all Brixwork websites! Inquire now for a consult & quote based on your target area size, number of buildings/presales you wish to target.

More Great Features Of This Add-On

  • Keep adding, and continuously grow/edit as many buildings you want to farm

  • Keyword-dense URLs and heading/keyword structure

  • Building amenities/features checklist including pets/rental restrictions

  • Rich description of buildings with custom meta titles & meta descriptions (optional)

  • Unlimited photo gallery with photo labeling for better Google performance

  • PDF Floorplans and brochures can be uploaded

  • Auto-aggregate MLS® listings within address ranges (multiple street addresses)

  • Filter display by city, subarea & building status for easy navigation

  • AWS Cloudfront fed PDF & Images, and Youtube/Vimeo videos for faster load time!

  • Social-share ready with lead image & title/description pair

  • Customized lead form & call-to-action for better results

  • Filter out other Realtors® seeking information

  • Fully customized & fitted to your branding for a great impression!

  • Long-term seniority on Google ranking for all types of buildings/presales.

Boutique agency-grade branding & logo design options will help you set yourself apart from others
Over 90% of the public judges a website based on first impressions. Clean, sleek & modern designs help deliver results.
Impressively beautiful feature sheets, marketing presentations and email/social media images