November 13, 2012
Version 3.8.4 Released
Further improvements to the buildings module mean better ways to effectively market attached homes (condos & townhomes).
October 9, 2012
Real Estate Website Version 3.8.2 Release
Drag & drop of listings & photo gallery items as well as quicker responses for updates saves you time when managing your real estate website.
August 13, 2012
Major Upgrade to Version 3.8 For Better Realtor® Websites
The new major upgrade offers incredible MLS® reciprocity sync speed/frequency upgrades, better niche definition features for Realtors®, and listings filtered by condo buildings, better lead capture functionalities.
June 5, 2012
3.7.4 Allows Featured City/Areas, Buildings and More
You can now select certain cities and areas as "featured" items to better define your niche and make listing searches easier for your customers. And we are starting to build functionality to allow for building pages with listings as well!
June 1, 2012
Version upgraded to 3.7.3!
This round of upgrades to our popular real estate website management system includes slight modifications to the login maintain mechanism, as well as file manager bug fixes, and budding roots of more exciting features to come.
May 15, 2012
BRIXWORK Version 3.7.23 released
A better property retrieval module for Realtors® who leverage the MLS® reciprocity heavily, speed optimizations, and user interface modifications are among the items addressed in this upgrade. This will have propagated to your sites if you are a monthly subscribing customer.
May 2, 2012
BRIXWORK Version 3.7.2 Released with new home search functions
Real Estate browsing just got easier for your visitors! Customers can now sort your listings in any order they want, based on price/size/listing date as the criteria.
April 5, 2012
BRIXWORK version 3.7.1 Upgrade Allows Flexible Login Options
Extended login options, high-res photo download from the back-end, filesystem upgrades - Version 3.7.1 offers you better management of your real estate website.
January 3, 2012
Brixwork Auto-Update Modules Being Deployed
Our new automatic update module has been successfully tested for the first time, and will be deployed to most clients soon.
November 29, 2011
Google Maps Based MLS® Search Launched!
Our first true MLS® search module is ready, with full data integration with the REBGV MLS® Data using the RETS data exchange system. Our first search module uses a fully integrated Google Maps to make it easy for your customers to search for listings on your website.
April 2, 2011
Brixwork Version 3.4.2
Brixwork for Realtors has gone through a small update over the past few weeks - check it out!
March 21, 2010
Youtube Video Integration Available
Brixwork for Realtors has been upgraded yet again to enable Youtube video linking/embedding. This will increase the content value of your website, your exposure on the social media channels, and also allow easy sharing of your videos, and increase your performance on search engines.