August 27, 2013
6 Benefits of our New Toronto MLS Integration
Here at Brixwork Real Estate Marketing, we are happy to welcome our seventh MLS integrated region to our network, Toronto! Check out some of the benefits it provides.
May 24, 2013
Version 3.9 Released With Updated Infrastructure
The newest version of BRIXWORK features much better MLS® listing management modules, upgrades to the codebase and visual changes have been released to all of our real estate websites to make the site management easier!
April 12, 2013
Version 3.8.7 Released with User Interface Refinements
We've enhanced the admin panel in the back-end to prevent accidentally closing or leaving a page mid-edit. More user interface & display updates included to make your life easier!
March 19, 2013
Version 3.8.6 Released, New Office & Staff
Version 3.8.6 includes upgrades to the text editor module and numerous bug fixes. We are also introducing more data fields from the MLS® database, such as
February 20, 2013
Changes to Our Rates in 2013 Q2 and Upgrades
There are changes to our custom design labour rates, as well as new SEO/Social Media/Writing packages coming up.
December 4, 2012
Version 3.8.5 released with some back-end updates
We have upgraded some of the back-end user interface, as well as an integration with WLS® (Whistler Listing System) in our most recent update in December 2012.
October 19, 2012
BRIXWORK version 3.8.3 Release
The new version upgrade to 3.8.3 includes numerous bug fixes, Pinterest buttons, Google XML Sitemaps to help our real estate websites work faster and better.
October 9, 2012
Real Estate Website Version 3.8.2 Release
Drag & drop of listings & photo gallery items as well as quicker responses for updates saves you time when managing your real estate website.
August 13, 2012
Major Upgrade to Version 3.8 For Better Realtor® Websites
The new major upgrade offers incredible MLS® reciprocity sync speed/frequency upgrades, better niche definition features for Realtors®, and listings filtered by condo buildings, better lead capture functionalities.
June 20, 2012
Buyers & Sellers Forms and Virtual Tours Field available on 3.7.5
Buyers & Sellers lead capture form for Realtors® now available, along with a virtual tour field to show off the real estate listings
June 5, 2012
3.7.4 Allows Featured City/Areas, Buildings and More
You can now select certain cities and areas as "featured" items to better define your niche and make listing searches easier for your customers. And we are starting to build functionality to allow for building pages with listings as well!
May 15, 2012
BRIXWORK Version 3.7.23 released
A better property retrieval module for Realtors® who leverage the MLS® reciprocity heavily, speed optimizations, and user interface modifications are among the items addressed in this upgrade. This will have propagated to your sites if you are a monthly subscribing customer.